By David Bullock
Watch out “The Space Show,” Ben Gamble has a new podcast based across the pond called, “Astro Ben.”
Gamble, who is based in the UK’s London, has about fifty plus podcasts as “Astro Ben.” He recently landed a sponsorship with Space Ventures for the podcast. Moreover, all of this space stuff is relatively new for the hospitality industry employee who has set his sites to the stars.
“For ten years I have worked in the hospitality industry,” Gamble said. Up until COVID, his business in that industry went really well. But with he pandemic, it fell apart. He made a decision. He said, “I went from Venue Space to Outer Space.” Since then, he’s gone to conferences all around the world. Out of that came Astro Ben.
“I set up a podcast to find out who’s who in the industry,” Gamble continued. He’s been able to get a lot of top names in space including, Scott Kelly, Hayley Arceneaux and Jayne Poynter. But that has not stopped Gamble from dreaming beyond Astro Ben.
“My long term plan is to build up my hospitality business again, after COVID, which I am doing at the moment, sell it in about 5 to 7 years and then start my own space based company in the not so distant future. Hopefully by 7 to 10 years away when I do that, the space economy would have opened up and get even more vibrant than it is now and the barriers for entry are a little bit lower.”
Astro Ben’s most popular podcast was with blink 182 front man Tom DeLonge, as DeLonge is a huge follower of extraterrestrial news and information. The public loved that show.
When asked who is his favorite podcaster, Gamble said, Joe Rogan, especially when he has any space or science guest.
Gamble also has a good look at emerging space industries in his neck of the woods. Both the UK Space Agency (UKSA) and the European Space Agency (ESA) are growing in both science and technology. “It’s real exciting,” said Gamble, “Dr. Paul Bate (of the UKSA) is a fantastic leader. He is young, energetic and is getting the word of the UK Space Agency out there.”
“The UK is also quite well position in Europe to be a launch provider,” continued Gamble. “I hope the UK takes a leadership role in launches and space debris.”
What is Gamble most favorite part of doing his podcast? He finds it fascinating to learn where’d they go when he asks, “Would you go to space?” He likes it when people just open up.
I guess we’ll have to have our ears pealed, as we have our eyes on our telescopes.
To get to Astro Ben’s website: https://astroben.libsyn.com
To get to Astro Ben’s Podcast’s:
Apple Podcasts: Link Here
Spotify: Link Here
Amazon: Link Here