Response Date: November 21, 2022
SDA is issuing a Request for Information (RFI) for a Tranche 2 Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) service payload. SDA is interested in potentially proliferating a low cost L-band PNT service as a payload on the SDA Tranche 2 Transport Layer. The PNT payload would include an on-orbit reprogrammable PNT signal generator, mid-size High Powered Amplifier (HPA) and associated fixed wide beam width antenna.
The goal is to proliferate this low cost payload onto hundreds of satellites within future SDA Tranches. Size, weight, power and cost (SWAP-C) will potentially be significant constraints. The full RFI (link below) provides a notional technical concept of this PNT service and respondents are welcome to offer alternative hardware and/or software approaches and any perceived risks associated with these concepts. All responses received to this RFI are solely for information and planning purposes. Responses to this RFI may be used to support future solicitations.